Saturday, May 8, 2010


Well, it's been a couple of days since I've updated here. I wanted to give my new plan a try to see how it seemed to be working. I formed the plan on Monday after my trip, and really started the plan on Tuesday. Here's what I think so far...

I know it takes the body longer than 5 days to adjust to new eating habits, but so far, I'm really happy. When I got on the scale this morning, I saw no change, which is what I'm looking for. So my "flexibility" is working, so far! I did make one change. I added in a 30 minute elliptical session on Thursday, just because I felt like it. (I know, weird, right, but oddly refreshing.) So on the trainer days where yoga isn't scheduled, I'll probably do a 30 minute elliptical session. Who knows. It's been really nice eating "real meals" with my family. I've also allowed myself one sweet a day, and it seems to be curving binge cravings, so we'll see how it works. I'm just waiting for the ball to drop, you know? Hopefully it won't.

In other news, I've been tracked out of school (work) for the past 2 weeks, and I'll I've been doing (besides my trip) is laying on my couch, sleeping, eating, exercising, and reading blogs! I know it seems completely boring and lazy, but I can tell my body needed the rest. :) I'm looking for a good movie or book to read on my last few days. Any suggestions?

Have a great Saturday!! Love to all!


  1. Book Ideas:

    Blood Done Sign My Name, it is based here in North Carolina back in the 60s. Really Good, quick read though.

    Goodbye Jimmy Choo, what a fun fun read... About unexpected friendships

    Kite Runner, very interesting

    Always looking was enlightening

    any of Jodi Picoult's boooks...Songs of a Humpback Whale, Tenth Circle, My Sister's Keeper and she has more

    Sarah Palin's book was interesting
    Obama's book Dreams from My Father was good too

    Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold

    Pilots Wife

    Ellen Foster written by raleigh author, interesting read

    Oh I could on and on about books. Let me know what you like to read mostly and I can make better recommendations that way. These are just some of the books I have read over the last while

  2. I like that you are trying to find something that works for your body. Experimenting is key! As for a good book, I LOVED the Pursuit of Holiness by Jerry Bridges. Definitely a must read!
