Tuesday, May 11, 2010

What is Healthy?

Hey everyone!
Sorry it's been a while. I've just been plugging away on my new diet/exercise plan. I'm enjoying it and it seems to still be working! YAY!! I'm loving the variety. I'm tolerating the elliptical, but I haven't chanced the stationary bike yet- (I'll get there, Sarah :P). I feel like I'm sort of getting maintenance figured out and how to be successful for a lifetime. The way I'm doing it now is certainly more manageable than the way I was doing it before, with overexertion and unnecessary hip/leg pain. While my calves are still sore, the pain is subsiding, and I am (hopefully) becoming a "healthy woman at a healthy weight" instead of an "unhealthy woman at a healthy weight."
(Did I mention that I experienced true "Runner's High" on Sunday? I think it's because my body is not as exhausted and bored from daily 4 a.m. runs.)

I've been reading a lot of blogs lately and a lot have reflected on what being healthy really means. There are lots of good insights and it got me thinking. I think being healthy means something different to everyone, at different stages of their journeys. To some, being healthy means finding strategies to get the number on the scale to decrease. To others, it's making healthy eating choices and staying active. Most times it's a combination. Some consider healthy as a feeling. I can tell you that my definition of healthy has changed over the course of my weight loss/maintenance journey.

At first, when I was heavy, being healthy was about the scale number. I wanted to get to that goal (originally 130). I wanted to be considered "in normal range" by BMI standards. I realized though, once I got there, that there's more to it than that, at least for me. Being healthy is about feeling like you've got it all figured out. It's about being able to incorporate exercise and healthy eating habits into your daily life, along with the occasional splurge. Being healthy is allowing those treats in moderation, and not feeling guilty. Being healthy is a calm, subdued feeling when you've realized that you are finally in control. It has taken practice with me. I don't know that I'm completely there yet because it's taken me some time to work out kinks. I do know that I'm headed in the right direction, and feel more in control everyday. If I'm not "healthy" yet (by my definition), then I'm definitely on my way there- and I've never felt better!

What is your meaning of "healthy?"



  1. My definition of healthy is the EXACT same as yours! How weird :) I, too, have looked at the scale number as my definition of healthy; however, getting closer to my goal is helping me to see that there is more to life than a great scale number. So...I am trying soak all of it up!!! I love this journey and I love your blog! By the way, your comment made complete sense!!!

  2. Healthy is... Not dwelling at all upon diets or exercise, and being utterly content in who I am. :)

    - Nieta

  3. I hope to be able to get to that point one day.

  4. Very inspiring post. I'm so glad that you're in maintenance and are finding a way to live at a healthy weight.

    I think you are right the definition of healthy does evolve based on where you are in your own journey. Healthy for me right now = living on a mostly low fat, low sugar, vegetable, fruit and protein rich diet with the occasional treat thrown in, exercising daily to develop and maintain a strong, muscular, flexible body,being spiritually centred, emotionally stable, self-confident and focused on my dreams and loving and supportive to others.
