Wednesday, May 19, 2010


My lovely food addiction has reared its ugly head today. All I've wanted to do is eat. It all began when one of my students brought me my favorite type of cookie- a humongous, decadent black and white cookie. Every fiber of my being wanted to devour it on the spot, but I was strong and placed the cookie in my purse. Every so often, I would check my purse to check that my cookie was still there for when I was ready for it.

Since then, I haven't been able to keep my mind off bingeing. All I've wanted is that cookie, topped off with Bojangles, cookie dough, pizza, peanut butter, oreo cookies, and anything else that can't escape my grip. My urges are so strong and they really take a lot out of me. I tried to get rid of the cookie, but no one wanted it. I couldn't bring myself to throw it away. I know this is not normal. I wish I could figure out where and why these urges occur. That way I may be better able to prevent them. It's truly miserable. What became of the cookie? It's sitting in my freezer waiting for the perfect moment to be eaten. So far so good...

How have I handled it today? I really don't know that I have. I've tried talking to everyone I trust about it, and I've researched how you can prevent a binge before it happens. However I still want to go to the store and indulge every piece of sugary goodness I can. I can't promise that it won't happen since the day isn't over yet. I'm truly at a loss and it's really upsetting me that I'm not as in control as I thought.
I've also stuck to my diet plan and ate when I was supposed to. The only problem with that was, I inhaled my food without really enjoying it, and the food made me even hungrier, making the urge to binge stronger. How frustrating is that? That doesn't usually happen! I also made it to the gym for my hourly cardio workout today, which should make me proud, but it's really giving me the urge to say "you've worked out, a binge won't hurt."

So why today?? I really wish I knew. It makes it hard to think about anything else, which is really bad when you're in a classroom full of students who depend on you for their education. It's now 7:00 p.m. and I've wanted to binge since 8:00 a.m. I've been very strong all day, but it's been a huge struggle. It's not over yet. So now I go to choir to try and distract myself even more.

Does anyone else go through this? Do you allow the binges? How do you fight them?
PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!

I was successful. It is now 5:30 a.m. on Thursday. I did not binge yesterday. Right now, I consider that a MAJOR accomplishment. I hope today is easier.


  1. that is awesome you did not binge... but sometimes we slide back a little. Does not mean we are not in control. Binges can come from anything and sometimes it is from the least expected. I recently finished reading a book you might want to think about reading. It was quick read. It is called the Monster Within. Always you did the right thing by staying busy to keep from binging.

  2. Way to go for not bingeing! Remember that you are in control of food and that food does not control you. Also remember that what you eat does not make you a bad person..and anything is fine in moderation. Keep up the exercise..that helps me.

  3. That is awesome! Any small victory is a victory! I have a huge tendency to I have to keep my house void of any high-cal, high-fat options. That way, if I do go on a binge...I end up doing it as healthily as possible. That being said, I have not been sticking to any eating plan lately. I am embarking anew I guess. It is after midnight now! Anyway, the best word of encouragement I can give is that the journey is never over. To binge or not to binge is for a day only. We can always pick up again where we left off. We may just have to recoup a couple of extra lbs!

  4. I did go through this A LOT when I wasn't taking in enough calories for the amount of exercise I was doing. That would be the first thing that I would check. Also, I allow one cheat meal a week! Thus far, this has worked really well. During that meal, I allow myself to have absolutely whatever in the weirdest quantity!!! I know..weird, but it's worked
